Or so they say.
So, I got back from my mini holiday last Sunday. And it has taken this long to get back to normal (whatever the heck my normal is). I think I needed to process all that happened while spending a week with my parents, who I love dearly, but could NEVER live with. Well I probably could, but would prefer my independence.
So, I arrived back to Sydney to find the ever loving Princess Meena had, at some point during my absence, thrown up in my bed. Yes, you read it correctly, she threw up IN my bed.

Would I do that?
So Sunday night, when I wanted to crawl into bed, under the sheets, 2 blankets and a doona, I was DELIGHTED to find my little surprise. For a brief moment I actually seriously considered just crawling in and pretending IT wasn't there. But even though it was dried (I could peel it off the sheets people!) the smell would have been too much for me.
So I remade the bed (with different sheets, same 2 blankets and doona) and crawled in, happy (finally) to be in my own bed. And with ABSOLUTELY no shame, Princess Meena jumped on my bed curled up next to me and went to sleep.
I don't have alot of craft news for you. I didn't do nearly as much knitting as I had hoped while on holidays. My Mum is a smoker and she smokes in her house (because it is her house). I didn't realise quite how much of an obsessive knitter I had become (OK I lie, I KNOW I am obsessed!) until I refused to pull out any of the projects I brought with me because I didn't want the to smell of smoke.
The good news is that I am meeting up with some good craftin' buddies tomorrow, so I should get my mojo back and plough on into the many projects that are on my hit list.
Sigh, so many projects so little time!
PS. Princess Meena and I have been playing "keep the kitty out of my bed" since Sunday. Shazmina 5, Princess Meena 0.
My cat once bought me half a rat as a present on my pillow! The front half - I woke up and there it was! Gaaaak!
She's only doing it because she loves you!
We got home from Christmas with my family one year to find a dead mouse under the Christmas tree. Under the Christmas tree!!! I couldn't believe it. Cats are so thoughtful, aren't they.
Heh, in my house, "keeping the kitty off the bed" would go like this: RoseRed 0, Nelly 5. I have a very persistent cat...
We have a bed puker kitty, too. Middle of the night, he'll wake up and just throw up right where he's sleeping. Who does that?!?! We keep banishing him from the bed, and he quite rightly is annoyed because both children have spit up/thrown up in the bed and have been allowed back in, often that very same night. It's just not the same for the animals once the kids come...
Naughty kitty! I had a kitty when I was younger who peed on my pillow, while I was sleeping on it. They can be such demons!
OK, that is really horrid. Cats are like that. Labradors are not so bad....
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