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And it said, Pillows!! EAT ME, you crazy Biscuit lady!
Who doesnt love Spicy Fruit Rolls??
Yep, I am OBSSESSED with biscuits! I must learn to resist..............................

Otherwise known as "Did I make good on my promises?".
As I nibble on my Iced VoVo's I contemplate the last couple of days (gee, that sounds profound!).So here is the update of my weekend.SATURDAY. I went with my good craftin' buddy Brown Pants to watch her partner play Rugby. We sat in the park with our knitting and a bottle of cider (very chic!) and had a really lovely afternoon. I then was invited to dinner, where BRown Pants made divine Salmon Patties and we knitted, watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and ate! All in all a truly fabulous day!
SUNDAY. I made lunch for my downstairs neighbour and closeted crafter Benjamina, his partner Bretly and their friend David, Lord of Style and Good Taste. I made a delicious corned silverside, mash potato, cauliflower, veg and parsley sauce. Very Yummy!perfect Winter fare! I also did a spot of knitting to round off the day!
So, for once, I achieved all my craft and non-craft goals for the weekend. I feel as though I am truly shaking the non-completer/finisher tag!!
Stay tuned for updates of the crafty goings-on for this week!
I have decided that if I publish my crafting goals of what I will achieve on the weekend, then I am more likely to actually COMPLETE them!
Saturday I am catching up with my good crafting budy, Brown Pants to knit, drink coffee and watch her partner play Rugby. Ahhh now there is a day with some of my favorite things, coffee, knitting and watching fit men play Rugby!! So my aim is to get ever closer to finishing the bag I am making my sister and to start a shawl for my Mum. I have some new needles from the Wool Shack which arrived today and I am dying to make use of them!
Sunday I am cooking lunch for my neighbour and his partner. If you have read Armistead Maupin's "Tale of the City" (which I highly recommend) you will get an idea of what the building I live in is like!We are having Silverside and vegetables, very "rustic" (ala jamie Oliver) and perfect for winter!
I also wanted to get started on another Amigurumi. I have an idea for a little monsuta, that is starting to take shape in my mind. Keep you posted on that one!
So there it is, Shazmina's goals for the weekend!
Dont you just love Biscuits?! I am reliving my childhood at work, every day we get sweet and savoury biscuits in our kitchen (yes we are spoilt). I just hang out for the days when the Hunderds and Thousands, Honey Jumbles and Iced Vo Vo's are in the biscuit tin!I had another look at my friend Sadie and Lance's blog and realised that I need some photos of my crafting, if for no other purpose than to prove I do complete things! My biggest problem is that I tend to give the things I make away, I guess it is becuaseit makes me feel less guilty when I buy supplies!!!
I have managed to dig up a picture of a scarf and beanie that I crocheted for a swap. It was one of the first times I realised that my crafting was or good quality andappreciated! And that reminds me I will have to involve myself in a swap again soon!
I have many projects on the go at the moment, and as I got a digital camera for X-mas, I have no excuses. So I will keep you all updated about my craftin' progress.Shazmina
As you may have noticed, I have added some links to the side bar of my blog. They are a few of my favorite links, and include blogs belonging to some amazing people that I just happen to know! Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Because this is all about me, I think it is important that you know a few things about me.(That's me! Well my new boots actually!)I have Craft ADD! Admitting it is the first step to recovery! I have an annoying habit of starting really great projects and then getting bored (usually close to the end) and starting on something else. I am trying to break the habit, taking inspiration from some of my good crafting buddies, I am limiting myself to 2 projects at a time. The unfortunate thing is that I think my craft ADD is rubbing off on them!! Soon I will be the completer/finisher, when all around me have succumbed to the dark side!! mwa ha ha ha! (insert evil laugh here).I am a craftster, out and proud! And I have it engraved on my iPod to prove it! I just LURVE to crochet/knit/sew, I get that from my Mum who is the most amazing crafty lady I know. She gave me my first sewing kit to make dolls clothes when I was 6. I made use of the scissors on my sisters hair (she needed a fringe) and as she was my crash test dummy for all things odd, she willingly obliged (that is my story and I am sticking to it!).I am from a long line of crafty men and women! My sister is fabulous, she sews, makes jewellery, and is musical. She is my guru for all things funky and cool, a constant inspiration. Then there is my Mum. She quilts, sews, embroiders, cross stitches, paints, does Folk art, tapestry, she is just amazing. My Dad is into electronics by trade, but he can pretty much make anything and is into carpentry, metalwork and gardening. Then there are various Aunts and cousins, too many to mention!I love Meena! Or Princess Meena, as she likes to be addressed!She is my cat, the strangest, most neurotic and fearless little cat. Somedays she thinks she is human and other days she thinks she is a dog. BUT she is never just a cat! I love my friends! I will introduce you to them all, one by one. They are fabulous, wonderful, amazing people!And finally, I love Elvis! Again, something I have to admit to it, accept it and move on! The perfect cure for a hangover is, Salt and Vinegar chips/crisps, powerade and watching an Elvis movie (while on your couch, curtains closed!). My good crafting buddy Brown Pants, gave me some material with Elvis pictures on it, which was extra special as I know she is not a fan ( I know hard to believe, hey!).So that is mostly me in a nutshell! ENJOY!
Shazmina Bendi
Hello and welcome!As this is the first post and I am new to blogging, I wont bore you with a long winded spiel on me, I will wait until post number two for that!Take it easy!Shazmina