Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're are the devil in disguise
oh yes you are
the devil in disguise

At least that is what Elvis told me last Friday night. Sigh. He sang to me. Me folks! I was in heaven! Elvis Pizza, Rushcutters Bay. Loads of fun, I had the best night, thanks to Brownpants for organising!! It means more than anyone will know that she arranged this for me. She is TOPS!
I do feel a bit devilish though, it has been so long since I have written a post and I have no excuse. Yes I have had a lot on, but that is not a valid reason. My brain has just been so full I have had no space left to post until now. And even now I have no craft to report on.
I have however, made time to read your blogs. Even if I didnt write a message I was there. Lurking. For a while I felt sad, because I am going to miss you all while I am in the UK. Until I realised that the inernet exists there as well (like, duh shazmina!). So then I was happy again. I dont have to say goodbye to you all (I HATE goodbyes) it is just catch you soon!
I fly out on Saturday, and promise to try and post at least once more before I go. And when I get on the other side, I promise to make contact. I will read AND post on your blogs. I will set up the supply chain for all that yummy Rowan, Debbie Bliss and Colinette yarn. I will be good.
No more devil in disguise for this little angel!
Ohhh Shaz, you'll always be the devil in disuguise!
I'm so pleased to hear the UK has the internets!
All the best with your big move! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures over the ponds.
So lucky the UK has the internets! And the Colinettes! And the Rowanettes! (OK, I will stop now...)
Bon Voyage!! Young Elvis, he's very fine: old Elvis, not so much!!!
I expect very, very regular blogging Shazmina or I shall very cross. Be safe. Have fun. Big hugs!
Bon voyage, hope your exciting change is - well - exciting! Remember that culture shock DOES happen, and that you can survive it. Stay in touch!! :D
Who would'a thunk you can get blogs and internets in the UK? Wonders will never cease!
Very very best wishes for the big move and I am very much looking forward to hearing how it all goes! Travel well and mwah!
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