No really, I have. But there is sooooo much going on. I feel like there is limited brain capacity to do anything except rock back and forth murmuring "make it all go away"!
No seriously. MAKE.IT.GO.AWAY.
I have a HUGE list of things to do before I leave. HUGE. Well actually there are several lists going on.
- The craft list.
- The packing up house list.
- The selling my goods and chattels list.
- The finding Meena a home list.
- The Craft before I go list
- The Craft when I get there list.
Sounds sensible. So unlike me!
Had a great weekend. Mrs Bendi came to visit. We saw Billy Elliott (those kids are soooooo talented!) ate lots of dumplings & Tapas, bought a lot of fabric. ALOT! Why? I have no idea, especially as I am on the countdown to my (imminent) departure. Generally we had a great time! I have found the older I get, the more I appreciate my Mum & the more I enjoy spending time with her. Guess it takes a while to realise how cool your parents really are!