Spring has arrived! And then it decided to return to wherever it sprung from. Seriously it has become bitterly cold again. WTF!
So it is Good friday, or an Easter Bank Holiday if you live hear in the UK, and I am trying to decide what to do today. I am contemplating a trip to John Lewis (department store) to purchase yarn. But I can't decide whether to drive or take public transport? The big double decker red buses are fun, but driving in the comfort of your own car where you can sing (and fart!) to your hearts content is a true joy! Decisions!
On to business. Knitting.
I think this weekend will be all about finishing. Skully may be on the cards this weekend. I mean seriously I needs to finish it. And sewing up Ink and the Rowan Alpine Shrug. Lots to do!
I am glad you all like the header photo. I am thinking I will change it regularly with photos from my adventures over here. On that note here is a picture of one of my favorite sweet things.
It is a Woopie. An inside out cupcake that is freakin delicious!! They are from what has become my favorite cake stall and cafe the Outsider Tart. OMG they are divine!
Now I can't decide between buying yarn and eating Woopies!!